Northbank Civil and Marine has become a leader in the Northwest in the construction of fish passage projects. These include passage for salmon, steelhead, lamprey and many more. These types of projects include typical concrete fish ladders such as our Oak Street Diversion Dam Fish Ladder Modifications. Others included state-of-the-art concepts, such as the Cle Elum Dam fish Passage Facility Juvenile Facility project, which includes a series of intake gates, a Helix structure and a 1200 foot long 7 foot diameter tunnel. Another unique fish passage project was the design-build Lower Granite Spillway PIT Tag Monitoring System. This project required the demolition of a concrete spillway, cofferdams and installation of the PIT Tag antenna technology with a new spillway. This allows biologist to actively count migrating juvenile fish on the Snake River in real time. Please see our projects for a more detailed list of these projects.